Bebop Books® Early Readers

Bebop Books®, the exclusive imprint from Lee & Low Books, publishes content-rich books that support early literacy learning in English and Spanish for emergent and early readers.

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One of Lee & Low’s most popular products for schools, Bebop Books® Bookrooms are pre-built libraries with 6 copies of each title. Our in-house literacy team specially formulates each Bookroom for instruction in English, Spanish or both.

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Classroom Library Questionnaire

Lee & Low’s Classroom Library Questionnaire is a tool to analyze the books in your classroom library and determine its strengths and gaps in diversity. Available in English & Spanish.

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COLLTS: Early Childhood Resource From AIR

Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talents in Students—COLLTS—is a read aloud-centered resource to improve oral language skills in multilingual learners in preschool and kindergarten. COLLTS is written by the American Institutes for Research and exclusively distributed by Lee & Low Books.

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Reading Recovery®

Lee & Low Books’ Reading Recovery® and Descubriendo la Lectura Bebop Books® collections in English and Spanish provide culturally responsive texts that support literacy intervention in first grade.

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